Doyle Farm

Owned by: Duane & Leigh Evans
Brand: DY
Land area: 6405 hectares
Number of Sheep: 1900
Breed: Dohne Merino

Duane and Leigh both grew up on farms in the Falkland Islands and enjoyed the work and lifestyle that camp life offered, so in 2014 they bought the Doyle together. At that time, they were both in their early 20’s. The average micron was 24.3 and they have reduced that to 22.1 over the last 6 years.

They have installed 16 solar panels to meet their power needs, relying on a small generator as a backup.  Their water is gravity fed from a natural spring 4.5 kilometres out of the settlement.

The Doyle is very remote with no road access to the settlement.  This comes with its challenges and they have to transport everything to and from the farm overland.

The Doyle hosts an abundance of wildlife including silver teal, speckled teal, white tufted grebes, silvery grebes, Chiloe widgeons, grass wrens, sand pipers, dotterels, plovers, oyster catchers, black neck swans, ground tyrants, finches, geese and various hawks. Duane and Leigh have two young sons, Eli and Charlie, who are both very much part of the farming life and can be seen helping out when they are able to or at the very least watching and learning from mum and dad.